Whocanreceive overdraft?
Citizenof RT, employee of Organization is the participant of the project of payment of salaries through bank payment cards issued by OJSC “Agroinvestbank” and who worked in Organization at least 6 months
Howtomake an overdraft to bank payment card?
To receive overdraft to bank payment card of employee , the organization needs to sign the additional agreement to the contract of rendering services of issuance cash to employees of Organization using payment cards of OJSC “Agroinvestbank”, fill in and submit to Bank’s Department, that provides serves your organization, next documents:
- Individual borrower’s application form on opening overdraft on special card account
Whether the surety?
What is the maximum size of overdraft limit?
50% ofaverage size ofmonthlycreditedfundsfrom the clientscardaccountfor the last 6 months.
Credit currency
Currencydepositaccountthat is attachedto the bankpaymentcard
What is the maximum termfordebt?
30 daysafter the occurrenceof the first overdraft
Overdraft type
Renewable, that is atmaturityofdebtoverdraft limit againbecomesavailabletoreuse.
Overdraftscanbeusedas the entiresumatonce, and the differentparts.
What are the waystorepay the overdraft?
Repaymentof the overdraft andinterestpaymentsfor the useof the overdraft canbedone:
--By withholding the amounts without entering into card account attached to bank payment card (you do not need to be present in the Bank and take any action), or
- By self-supplementary contribution to the card account (through the bank, money transfer, or ATMs with cash acceptor (CASH-IN)
What are the interestratesfor overdraft?
31% annuallyon the outstandingamountincaseofcompliance of terms of repayment
37.5% annually on the outstanding amount in case of violation of the terms of repayment
Noadditionalfeesforconsiderationofapplicationsand the establishmentofan overdraft limit!
Noanymonthlyfees for overdraft services!
It is alwayspossibletoknow the size of the overdraft andremainingbalanceofyouraccounton the map:
By the statements at ATM
WhenyoureceivestatementsatATMsofourBank, youcanviewinformationabout:
- the availablefunds, includingaccountbalance + overdraft balance;
- the permitted overdraft limit (constant)
By SMS-alert
Ifyouuseservicesof SMS-alert, youmustsend SMS tonumber 6868 with the textmessage 100XXXX, where XXXX is the last 4-digits of the card. Inresponseyouwillreceivemessagewith the remainingbalanceonyouraccount.
- Requesting an extract on card account in your personal appearance in the Bank Department
- Calling to the Bank’s Department that serves you
- Using remote access service “Internet Banking”